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Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone
Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone - This tall fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass mix produces fine to medium leaf blades which allows a dense turf to form. In addition, Combat Extreme™ grass seed mix uses lower-growing cultivars which means that mowing requirements and clipping yields can be reduced up to 30 percent. This lawn seed for cold weather is excellent choice for professional or home use.

Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone - This tall fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass mix produces fine to medium leaf blades which allows a dense turf to form. This grass seed mix uses lower-growing cultivars which means that mowing requirements and clipping yields can be reduced up to 30 percent. Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone grass seed establishes rapidly when soil temperatures are above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The varieties of turf type fescue grass were selected due to their ability to withstand hot summer temperatures as well as cold and harsh winters in USDA Zones 4 - 5. Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone grass seed has improved germination which allows it to establish more quickly than other varieties and its lower growth habit significantly reduces the amount of top growth. It does extremely well in full sun or partial shade in USDA Zones 4 - 5. Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone grass has the addition of Kentucky Bluegrass for extra cold tolerance and turf density. Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone grass seed an excellent choice for professional or home use.
Three Combat Blends To Optimize Varieties:
- Combat Extreme Northern Zone - USDA Zones 4 - 5
- Combat Extreme Transition Zone - USDA Zones 6 - 7
- Combat Extreme Southern Zone - USDA Zones 8 - 10
Each Combat Extreme mixture will perform well outside of the given zone. For example, there is no reason you could not use Combat Extreme Transition Zone in USDA Zone 8 or Combat Extreme Northern Zone in USDA 6. These USDA Zones are given as optimal guidelines, but not as fixed rules.Combat Extreme grass seed is one of the few tall fescue grass lawn seed blends available that is 100% weed free!
Seed size is much larger for turf fescue than Kentucky Bluegrass; therefore, by weight this is a 90%/10% fescue/bluegrass blend, but by seed count it is a pretty equal blend.
Unlike other turf type tall fescue grass seeds, Combat Extreme has the ability to repair itself. Traditional tall fescue grass will clump together, not filling in the bare spots and producing an uneven lawn. With bare spots, weeds are more apt to take over the lawn. What makes Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone grass seed unique is its ability to fill in these open areas with through aggressive tillering.
Another great feature of Kentucky bluegrass is its extreme cold tolerance. That is why we have added it to our regular Combat Extreme blend for the USDA Zones 4-5 where cold tolerance can be of the utmost importance. Bluegrass blends well with turf type fescue and makes it softer in appearance and more dense. Midnight Kentucky bluegrass was also developed with quick establishment in mind. It is wear tolerant and repairs itself by rhizomes and tillering improving its turf density.Characteristics of Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone
Self-repairing turf |
Strong, deep root system |
Produces a thick even lawn grass |
Excellent color and disease resistant |
Rapid germination and quick spring green-up |
Higher value for the home owner than conventional tall fescue grass seed |
Mixing varieties together that have top performance on some of the desired characteristics allows the lawn to adapt itself to various conditions. In the shady areas, the grass seed varieties with good shade tolerance will prevail, in the high traffic areas the best wear tolerant grass seed varieties will prevail, etc. The result is a beautiful lawn grass everywhere, from the same grass seed blend.
Combat Extreme™ grass seed sets a new standard for home lawns. Not only is the Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone grass seed a blend of top performing seed varieties, now it has the ability to repair itself through outstanding tillering characteristics as well as requiring less water and fertilizer. That is why Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone grass seed is the only seed you’ll ever need! In our opinion, this is the best grass that we carry (for durability and hardiness) and the best tall fescue and bluegrass mix on the market today!
Seeding Rate & Planting Time
- New turf: Sow 6 - 8 pounds Combat grass seed per 1,000 square feet or 240 - 320 lbs/acre for broadcast seeding
- Over-seeding: Sow 3 - 4 pounds Combat Extreme™ cold climate grass seed per 1,000 square feet or 120 - 160 lbs per acre for broadcast over-seeding
- Plant cold climate grass seed when soil temperature reaches 55 degrees in spring up until a minimum of 6 weeks before frost in fall
Planting Guide
Spring 55F or up to 6 weeks before first frost
7 - 14 Days
21 - 30 Days
Surface to 1/8 Inch
Broadcast or Drill
2.5 - 3 Inches

Full Sun to Partial Shade
3 - 8
Grass Specifications
Lawns, Parks, Recreation Fields
Wear Tolerance, Medium Bladed

Low to Moderate
Good to Excellent
Medium to High
Low to Medium


Legacy is our premier fine fescue grass seed blend with three different varieties of fine fescue grass seed to give you the best turf possible. This elite blend combines hard fescue, chewings fescue, and creeping red fescue to give you the immaculate fine fescue lawn that you have been looking for. High quality look for a very low price!
Over the centuries, fine fescues have been renowned for their survival under extreme conditions. They grow in infertile and dry soils, tolerate close mowing heights, deep shade and grow in places where turf is neglected, tortured and forgotten. In these areas, fescues endure.
Why People Choose Legacy
Legacy fine fescue grass seed mixture is the perfect solution to those difficult-to-manage turf areas. Legacy blend is hard fescue grass seed, chewings fescue grass seed and creeping red fescue grass seed, specially blended for optimum performance under the highest turf grass management, or planted as a cover for naturalizing low maintenance or native settings.
Hard Fescue Grass
Classic hard fescue performance. Dense, dwarf, dark, compact growth that thrives in low fertility and infrequent irrigation. Extremely high endophyte levels. (roughly 20% of the mixture.)
Chewings Fescue Grass
The most unique advancement in fescue breeding—a true fescue with extraordinary turf quality. Fine textured and low-growing, with very high endophyte levels. (roughly 40% of the mixture.)
Creeping Red Fescue Grass
Extremely high quality turf with high levels of viable endophyte. Excellent soil stabilization through aggressive, rhizomatous growth habit. (roughly 40% of the mixture.)
Low Maintenance Turf
Legacy fine fescue grass seed blend is perfect for partly to heavily shaded sites where water and fertilizer conservation is important. Areas with dry shade are perfect for establishing fine fescue grass seed blends in spring or fall.
Native / Naturalized Grass Areas
Legacy fine fescue grass is an excellent mixture for establishing and stabilizing naturalized areas. From wildlife cover to wildflower beds, erosion buffers to bank stabilization, Legacy fine fescue blend is well suited to broadcast, drill, and hydroseedings.
Seeding Rate & Planting Time
- New turf: Sow 4 - 5 pounds fine fescue lawn seed per 1,000 square feet or 160 - 200 lbs/acre for broadcast seeding
- Over-seeding: Sow 2 - 2 1/2 pounds fine fescue grass seed per 1,000 square feet or 80 - 100 lbs per acre for broadcast over-seeding
- Plant cool climate grass seed when soil temperature reaches 55 degrees in spring up until a minimum of 8 weeks before frost in fall