Shipping Information For Outsidepride Seed Source, LLC
Over 99% of our orders leave our warehouse within 1 business day. After an order leaves the warehouse, the map below shows the average transit ground time from Independence, OR. The day an order ships does not count as a business day. All orders shipped on Monday will arrive anywhere in the continental U.S. by Saturday.
When you use our shopping cart and go to check out, you may choose from one of the following shipping methods:
FedEx Ground
FedEx Next Day Air - Not Saturday delivery
FedEx 2nd Day Air - Not Saturday delivery
FedEx Express Saver
First Class Mail - Only for packages less than 3/4 a lb
Priority Mail
Shipping Charges:
Shipping charges are based on your location and are calculated during the checkout process. You can view the shipping charges before you ever finalize your order.
For FedEx Ground, Next day air, 2nd day air and FedEx Express Saver, the day it ships does not count. Therefore, if you order an expedited package on Monday via FedEx Express Saver, your package will ship on Tuesday and arrive on Friday. If you order on Tuesday, your package will ship on Wednesday and will not arrive until the following Monday. Approximately 99% of orders ship the next business day after an order is placed. There is NO guarantee any expedited packaged will be delivered on Saturday.
First Class Mail - Outsidepride is in Western Oregon; therefore, shipping to the East Coast can sometimes take longer than expected. There is no guaranted arrival time with First Class Mail and in certain situations can take 7 - 14 days to arrive from the date the order is placed. This is not the norm, but it does happen occassionally.