Bayou Kale Seeds

Bayou Kale (Brassica oleracea) - is a winter hardy member of the Brassica family that is highly digestible. It is known for its large, palatable leaves. and can provide up to 25% protein. High digestible forage for deer that is ideal for extended grazing in wildlife food plots providing quality winter forage. Kale has the highest cold tolerance of all the Brassicas, good winter hardiness and a high leaf to stem ratio. It may be grown both as a spring and early fall crop for winter grazing. Kale grows best in cooler weather with cold days and nights which will sweeten the leaves especially if subjected to a fall frost. Remember that Kale grows large leaves and may over shade other plants in your food plot. Kale prefers a pH of 5.5 to 7.0.
Bayou kale is a mid-maturing forage brassica with a smooth leaf, and a nutty flavor that is sweet to human taste. This kale variety has a smaller stem but can grow up to 3 feet tall. Bayou has excellent regrowth when rotationally grazed, and the stems are more palatable than forage rapes for cattle and sheep. Used in food plots for deer as well as upland game birds, animals will eat the Bayou first when planted beside other food plots.
When planted in late summer or early fall, it is considerably more winter-hardy than radishes and helps control erosion. The spring green-up of Bayou kale is similar to forage rapes, while its seed size and crop management are similar to other brassicas, like turnips. Seed should be planted at 6 - 10 lbs/ac when planted as a single specie and 2 - 3 lbs/ac when mixed with other crops. Recommended planting time for Northern Regions is summer when night time temperatures are consistently below 65 degrees. Planting should occur July - September for the Midwest and September - October for the South.
Forage Kale has show to help in opening up the soil because of its tap roots. As a cover crop kale can be planted in late summer or early fall; using it as a winter crop helps protect the soil longer from erosion.
Product Specifications:
- Excellent regrowth
- Forage brassica
- Good winter hardiness
- Great for food deer food plots
- Protects soil from erosion
- Use for: pasture, food plot, cattle forage, livestock grazing, cover crop