White Mustard Seeds For Cover Crops

Mustard Seeds - White

10 LBS
50 LBS




4 - 7


24 - 36 inches


Early to late summer




Full sun to partial shade


Loam to heavy soils, pH 5 - 8




0.5 oz per 10 x 20 Tray
TB seed /1 - 2 Cup Sprouts


Hydroponic or Soil


Yes, 6 - 12 Hours Cold Water


2 - 3 Days


Tray, Sack or Jar


5 - 9 Days


10 - 14 Days


15 - 21 Days


Mild Mustard, Tangy


0.5 oz per 10 x 20 Tray
TB seed /1 - 2 Cup Sprouts


Hydroponic or Soil




3 Days


Tray, Sack or Jar


6 - 9 Days


10 - 14 Days


15 - 21 Days


Medium Spicy


Sinapis Alba Nemagon - This variety of white mustard is used for cover crops with outstanding nematode suppression. It hinders the life cycle of nematode larvae and acts as a natural biofumigant when turned in to the soil just before flowering.


White Mustard yellow herb & microgreens seeds Mustard black herb & microgreens seeds

Planting Directions




14 - 21 days




1/2 - 3/4 inch


10 - 12 lbs per acre


Keep seeds moist until germination

Outsidepride Mustard Herb Seeds offers an all-around addition to any garden, providing flavorful microgreen seeds for culinary and gardening use. Our high-performance seeds thrive in both soil and hydroponic mediums, making them adaptable for various growing environments. Known for their mild, tangy flavor, mustard greens are perfect for fresh salads, cooking, or as a garnish. With fast-growing characteristics, they deliver a nutritious and flavorful harvest, while improving soil health as a cover crop.
Our mustard herb plant varies from Black, White, and Yellow represent the optimal agricultural growth potential. By carefully selecting the right variety, gardeners and farmers can experience the full benefits of mustard’s multi-purpose features. Whether you’re focused on harvestable crops or soil health, each mustard seed packets holds the potential for robust growth and a bountiful yield that can transform your agricultural practices.
Successfully grow and enjoy mustard plants with careful planting and harvesting techniques. The varieties of mustard seed, from Black to Yellow, all bloom in the summer with yellow flowers and varying plant heights from 12 inches up to 72 inches. Our plants not only support long-lasting agriculture but also add aesthetic beauty to your garden, making them the ideal seeds to plant for various applications, from culinary use to soil enrichment. Proper seeding and maintenance will lead to consistent yields throughout the season.
Mustard Herb Seeds offer more than just great flavor, they also enhance your meals and garden. With a history of culinary use, mustard seeds transform from garden crops into an essential ingredient in many recipes. Whether you're growing mustard for its benefits to your well-being or as a flavor-packed condiment, its versatility shines through. Grow mustard in your garden and enjoy it fresh, or harvest the seeds to create mustard for your table, making it a must-have crop for any gardener.

White Mustard (Sinapis Alba Nemagon) - This variety of white mustard is used for cover crops with outstanding nematode suppression. It hinders the life cycle of nematode larvae and acts as a natural biofumigant when turned in to the soil just before flowering. This high protein forage crop has high nitrogen content and increase soil tilth.

Nemagon white mustard seeds also contains high levels of glucosinate which is a compound similar to those found in commercial soil fumigants. It also features exceptional fast growth forming a compact covering to obstruct weeds.

The deep root system does a great job of re-utilizing nutrients that may have filtered past the root zone of crop plants. The tap root grows to a depth of three feet which helps break up soil and scavenge nutrients. Use Nemagon white mustard seed as a winter cover crop in home gardens, crop rotations and vineyards. It provides natural weed suppression, increased tilth, and increased organic soil matter. Nemagon is high in sulfer, which can become available to the subsequent crop when the mustard is incorporated in to the soil. Do not permit the mustard to go to seed or it could become a field impurity.

Seeding Rate: 10 - 12 lbs per acre

Common Questions


Which herbs can thrive in the kitchen?


Not all herbs are suitable for indoor growth. Herbs with woody, bushy growth, like rosemary are too large for indoor herb gardens. Consider other more suitable herbs for an indoor kitchen garden, such as chives, oregano, thyme, dill, mint, basil, cilantro, sage and savory. Each herb has specific growing needs, so ensure to provide the right amount of light, humidity, and air circulation. If using a single large container, ensure that all plants require similar amounts of sunlight and water. For instance, chives and cilantro may not need as much sunlight as dill and oregano.


What are good companion plants for herb gardens?


Pairing herbs based on watering requirements, like planting lavender with thyme or basil with chives, is ideal for maintaining the health of both plants. Avoid companion planting with catnip, lemon balm and mint as they should be grown in separate pots due to their rapid spreading nature that can overtake other plants in your indoor herb garden.


When do I establish an indoor herb garden?


Create a kitchen herb garden by propagating cuttings from your outdoor plants as the weather cools in the fall. If you opt to sow your indoor herb garden from purchased seeds, begin a few weeks before the anticipated first frost of the season. Most herbs can be harvested within a few weeks, so there is no need to plant too far in advance.


Do kitchen herbs need full sun?


Most herbs need 6 hours of sunlight a day to thrive. If you do not have this type of light available in your kitchen, consider a grow light that will run 14-16 hours per day 6 to 12 inches above your plants. NOTE: Rotate herbs periodically when grown in windows to let each part of the plant receive sunlight.


What time of year should you plant herbs?


Herbs grown in indoor gardens can be planted any time of year. Many gardeners prefer to grow their herbs outdoors during the summer growing season, and then move them to their indoor garden before the first frost of fall. If you prefer to start your seeds outdoors, you will need to wait until after danger of frost in the spring or start your seeds indoors 6 -8 weeks before last frost and transplant in your garden after danger of frost.


Do herbs come back every year?


Perennial herbs will come back each year when planted in the correct zone or grown indoors during the cold winter months. Popular perennial herbs are oregano, parsley, sage, fennel, chives, lavender, thyme and mint varieties.


How do I know when my herbs need watered?


Allow the soil to dry out just slightly before watering your herbs again. Give your indoor herb garden a dose of diluted water-soluble fertilizer every 2 weeks or so. Too much food will compromise the taste of the herbs. It is also beneficial to provide adequate humidity. If the indoor air is especially dry – which is often the case in regions with cold winters. Set the herbs pots on trays of stones. Fill the trays with water but keep the level below the drainage holes of your pots.


When do I water my outdoor herb garden?


Different herb plants will need different amounts of water so keep this in mind when planting your garden and keep similar plants together to simplify watering. Watering is best done in the early morning hours when temperatures are cooler. Many herbs are hardy. They can tolerate soil that is moderately dry. You want to keep an eye out for wilting when the soil is wet. Ideally, your herbs should make quick use of the water you give them. Saturated soil is not what you are after. Pay close attention to the coloration of the leaves on your herbs. Yellow leaves can be a sign of too much water, and so can black leaves. If you spot any mildew or fuzz on the herbs, too much moisture can be the problem.


How do I harvest my herbs?


Trim back flowering sections before they bloom for healthier leaves. Prune new growth on young plants weekly to encourage a fuller mature plant. Snip herbs for harvest when they are just a few inches tall. Pruning back the herbs often means a larger, longer harvest. Cut the new growth back at least one per week, even if you are not using the herbs in recipes (see drying and freezing page if you do not want to waste your harvest). Long stems that are about to set flower buds should be trimmed off as they appear.


What do I need to start an indoor herb garden?


Common tools needed for an indoor herb garden are: garden trowel, scissors for snipping, stones (optional). Materials for your herbs plants include seed, pots, potting soil, cactus potting soil (optional), pots or trays, fertilizer and a grow light if you do not have adequate sunlight of at least 6 hours per day for your plants.


How do I prepare my containers for planting?


Choose large, deep containers with drainage holes to accommodate fast-growing herbs. Fill the container with potting mix leaving about ½ inch clear at the top. Use standard commercial potting soil for most herbs but blend in cactus potting mix for herbs native to the Mediterranean, such as thyme and oregano which prefer dryer soils.


Can I put my indoor herb containers outside?


Yes! Move your potted herbs to the patio or deck when the weather warms in the spring and for a boost of sunshine.


How do I know when my herbs need larger containers?


When roots begin to emerge through the drainage holes of its container, it is time to repot the herbs. Replace the potting mix; the organic material in the potting mix breaks down over time. Remove any plants with woody or thickened stems and replace them with new seeds or seedlings.


Do herbs need fertilizer?


The short answer is yes. However, not all herbs have the same fertilizer needs. Herbs roughly fall into two groups. 1. Slow-growing herbs with small leaves or needles and fibrous, woody stems that are native to the mediterranean where they grow culinary lavender, month, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory, tarragon and thyme. 2. Fast-growing herbs with larger, thinner leaves. These can be annuals such as basil, borage, cilantro, chervil and dill; bi-annual herbs such as parsley or perennials such as chives. Herbs in the first group generally need less fertilizer than herbs in the second group.


What type of nutrients do herbs need?


Start out by planting herbs in healthy soil rich in organic matter. In addition, they will benefit from an organic complete, slow-release fertilizer containing equal amounts of macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. A slow-release fertilizer is especially important if your garden has sandy soil because nutrients wash out quickly. To give fast-growing herbs that you harvest often an extra boost, you can also apply fish emulsion, an organic fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, with an NPK ratio of 4-1-1 or 5-1-1.


How often should I fertilize my herbs?


The frequency of fertilization follows the growth pattern of the herbs. In soil of average fertility, it is usually sufficient to apply a balanced fertilizer in the spring when they break dormancy, or when the new growing season starts. For other herbs, a light monthly application of a slow-release complete fertilizer should be enough – unless the leaves start to look yellow, which may be a sign of nitrogen deficiency. In that case, applying fish emulsion is a quick fix but before you reach for the fertilizer bottle, rule out that the yellowing of leaves is not caused by something else.


How do I fertilize my herbs in a container?


Herbs grown in containers need fertilizer applications more often, because with frequent watering that container plants require, the fertilizer in the potting mix washes out more quickly. Just as with sandy soil, it is important to use slow-release fertilizer. The roots of container plants are in a confined space, unlike herbs grown in the garden or raised beds, which can lead to over fertilization if you are not careful. Organic fertilizers are recommended over synthetic which often contain a high level of salts that can build up in the container over time. To prevent this, it is best to use half the strength of the fertilizer amount specified on the label for any type of fertilizer.


Is it possible to overfertilize herbs?


Adding too much fertilizer to herbs usually leads to an excess of nitrogen, which has undesirable results especially for slow-growing herbs. For basil and other thin-leaved herbs, the fast leaf growth induced by nitrogen is fine because you want your plants to be lush. For rosemary and other Mediterranean herbs however, rapid growth means that there is less concentration of essential oils causing the herbs to become less aromatic and have weaker flavor.


How do I prepare garden soil before planting an herb garden?


Once you have picked the location for growing your herb garden, you will need to prepare the soil. If the soil is sandy or clay heavy, add plenty of compost. Even if your soil is in pretty good condition, working some compost into the soil will help provide nutrients to the herbs while they are growing.


Can I harvest my herbs too often?


Many times, when a new gardener is starting an herb garden, they are afraid that harvesting the herbs frequently will hurt them. The opposite is true. Frequent harvesting of herbs will result in the herb plant producing more and more foliage, which increases the amount you are able to harvest. At the end of the season, you can dry or freeze your herb harvest to enjoy home grown herbs all year long.


I don’t have a good sunny spot outdoors for my herb garden, what can I do?


If your yard is mostly shaded, there is not much you can do to change that, but you can pick shade friendly herbs. Parsley, sweet woodruff and mint are good examples of herbs that don’t require as much light. If you are growing plants in low light, manage your expectations. Your herbs will grow but will be slow and results less impressive.


My container soil is staying wet, what do I do?


Choose a container that allow for water to drain. If you over water or if it rains too much a good pot will allow the water to flow to the bottom without soaking and rotting the roots of your plants. You can use rocks or pottery shards to fill the bottom of the container to help with drainage. This applies outdoors too. If your herbs constantly have wet feet, they won’t thrive. Either plan when planting your garden and add some sand for drainage or pick plants that don’t mind wet roots as much.


My herbs plants are going to seed, why?


The short answer is you are not pruning enough. To prevent rapid growth and encourage a bushy habit, be sure to prune your herb plants regularly. The more you pick off your stems and leaves the longer your herb plant will remain in its production cycle. If you start to see flower heads, snip them right away. When you fail to cut back the plant, it is likely to go to seed and complete its lifecycle. Once that happens, many plants die back. Keep cutting and pinching back flowers to prevent this from happening.


Should I throw away my seeds on their expiration date?


Seeds do not have an expiration date, rather they are a sell by date just like food. The dates on seed packages are guidelines to help you know when your seeds are getting old, but it does not mean you need to toss them. Every plant is different. Some seeds last longer than others. Most seeds, if kept cool and dry, will last 2 – 3 years. If you are unsure test them out by growing microgreens.


Planting Directions




14 - 21 days




1/2 - 3/4 inch


5000 seeds per 400 square feet


Keep seeds moist until germination


3 inches between plants; 12 inches betweeen rows

Microgreen Information


Vitamin A, C, E, Fiber, Folate, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Antioxidants


Crunchy, Crisp


Salads, Sandwiches

Microgreens Planting Guide

Microgreens Planting Methods

Hydroponic & Soil Methods

Step-by-Step Instructions


Outsidepride Mustard Herb Seeds offers an all-around addition to any garden, providing flavorful microgreen seeds for culinary and gardening use. Our high-performance seeds thrive in both soil and hydroponic mediums, making them adaptable for various growing environments. Known for their mild, tangy flavor, mustard greens are perfect for fresh salads, cooking, or as a garnish. With fast-growing characteristics, they deliver a nutritious and flavorful harvest, while improving soil health as a cover crop.
Our mustard herb plant varies from Black, White, and Yellow represent the optimal agricultural growth potential. By carefully selecting the right variety, gardeners and farmers can experience the full benefits of mustard’s multi-purpose features. Whether you’re focused on harvestable crops or soil health, each mustard seed packets holds the potential for robust growth and a bountiful yield that can transform your agricultural practices.
Successfully grow and enjoy mustard plants with careful planting and harvesting techniques. The varieties of mustard seed, from Black to Yellow, all bloom in the summer with yellow flowers and varying plant heights from 12 inches up to 72 inches. Our plants not only support long-lasting agriculture but also add aesthetic beauty to your garden, making them the ideal seeds to plant for various applications, from culinary use to soil enrichment. Proper seeding and maintenance will lead to consistent yields throughout the season.
Mustard Herb Seeds offer more than just great flavor, they also enhance your meals and garden. With a history of culinary use, mustard seeds transform from garden crops into an essential ingredient in many recipes. Whether you're growing mustard for its benefits to your well-being or as a flavor-packed condiment, its versatility shines through. Grow mustard in your garden and enjoy it fresh, or harvest the seeds to create mustard for your table, making it a must-have crop for any gardener.
(Continued From Top) - Yellow mustard seeds are suitable to grow on soil and hydroponic mediums--including terra cotta! The flavor of yellow mustard is much more mild than other mustard microgreen seed varieties with a strong brassica flavor with only a spectre of the spice that is present in other brassicas, such as wasabi mustard and arugula. You can grow yellow mustard microgreens beyond the 10 - 14 days stage and allow them to develop into baby greens. Since mustard greens thrive in cool weather, they taste best when grown as an early spring or fall crop.


The use of the mustard herb plant dates back 5000 years! It has been widely used as a culinary and medicinal herb. Yellow mustard seeds grow quickly and easily. Chinese herbalists used the yellow mustard to treat lung conditions like asthma and bronchitis as well as relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Yellow mustard is native to middle Asia, northern Africa, and the Mediterranean. It has the mildest flavor, but it is the most common and grown commercially throughout the United States for the production of prepared mustard we will all love on hamburgers!

Yellow mustard plants have sturdy stalks with wrinkled, lobed, and dark green leaves. Yellow, 4-petaled flowers appear on spikes in early summer. Both the yellow mustard seed and the greens of this herb plant are used. The greens can be cooked or steamed, but as the summer gets hotter, the greens get stronger with a bitter taste. Often gardeners plant two crops to keep a supply of the young greens. The  seeds comes in the summer heat as the plant bolts. Yellow mustard is a prolific self-sower. Harvest the seeds to prevent them from falling on the ground and producing too much growth for next season.

How To Grow Yellow Mustard Seed: Start directly outdoors a couple of weeks before the end of frost season. Prepare a seedbed with lot of organic matter added to the soil and cover the herb seeds with 1/2 inch of soil.

Harvesting: For baby greens, pick the leaves when they reach a height of 4 - 5 inches; baby greens are tender and flavorful, perfect for salads. The entire plant can be harvested at any point, or individual leaves taken for a continuous harvest. Mature leaves, which tend to be stronger in flavor, often taste best when cooked. Avoid using leaves that have begun to turn yellow, as these have passed their prime. Once cut, greens keep in the refrigerator for 3 - 4 days. Cut mustard shoots close to the base of the stem with a  sharp, good quality knife.  Do not use scissors as this will tear the base of the stem and reduce storage time.  Mustard does not have a firm stem so be gentle when cutting. Mustard microgreens freeze well when blanched.

Note: Our seeds are perfect for growing both indoors and outdoors, allowing you to nurture your own green space regardless of the season. They are versatile, enabling you to germinate plants anytime, anywhere, whether it's inside your home or outside in your garden, opening up new possibilities for your gardening endeavors.

Common Questions


Which herbs can thrive in the kitchen?


Not all herbs are suitable for indoor growth. Herbs with woody, bushy growth, like rosemary are too large for indoor herb gardens. Consider other more suitable herbs for an indoor kitchen garden, such as chives, oregano, thyme, dill, mint, basil, cilantro, sage and savory. Each herb has specific growing needs, so ensure to provide the right amount of light, humidity, and air circulation. If using a single large container, ensure that all plants require similar amounts of sunlight and water. For instance, chives and cilantro may not need as much sunlight as dill and oregano.


What are good companion plants for herb gardens?


Pairing herbs based on watering requirements, like planting lavender with thyme or basil with chives, is ideal for maintaining the health of both plants. Avoid companion planting with catnip, lemon balm and mint as they should be grown in separate pots due to their rapid spreading nature that can overtake other plants in your indoor herb garden.


When do I establish an indoor herb garden?


Create a kitchen herb garden by propagating cuttings from your outdoor plants as the weather cools in the fall. If you opt to sow your indoor herb garden from purchased seeds, begin a few weeks before the anticipated first frost of the season. Most herbs can be harvested within a few weeks, so there is no need to plant too far in advance.


Do kitchen herbs need full sun?


Most herbs need 6 hours of sunlight a day to thrive. If you do not have this type of light available in your kitchen, consider a grow light that will run 14-16 hours per day 6 to 12 inches above your plants. NOTE: Rotate herbs periodically when grown in windows to let each part of the plant receive sunlight.


What time of year should you plant herbs?


Herbs grown in indoor gardens can be planted any time of year. Many gardeners prefer to grow their herbs outdoors during the summer growing season, and then move them to their indoor garden before the first frost of fall. If you prefer to start your seeds outdoors, you will need to wait until after danger of frost in the spring or start your seeds indoors 6 -8 weeks before last frost and transplant in your garden after danger of frost.


Do herbs come back every year?


Perennial herbs will come back each year when planted in the correct zone or grown indoors during the cold winter months. Popular perennial herbs are oregano, parsley, sage, fennel, chives, lavender, thyme and mint varieties.


How do I know when my herbs need watered?


Allow the soil to dry out just slightly before watering your herbs again. Give your indoor herb garden a dose of diluted water-soluble fertilizer every 2 weeks or so. Too much food will compromise the taste of the herbs. It is also beneficial to provide adequate humidity. If the indoor air is especially dry – which is often the case in regions with cold winters. Set the herbs pots on trays of stones. Fill the trays with water but keep the level below the drainage holes of your pots.


When do I water my outdoor herb garden?


Different herb plants will need different amounts of water so keep this in mind when planting your garden and keep similar plants together to simplify watering. Watering is best done in the early morning hours when temperatures are cooler. Many herbs are hardy. They can tolerate soil that is moderately dry. You want to keep an eye out for wilting when the soil is wet. Ideally, your herbs should make quick use of the water you give them. Saturated soil is not what you are after. Pay close attention to the coloration of the leaves on your herbs. Yellow leaves can be a sign of too much water, and so can black leaves. If you spot any mildew or fuzz on the herbs, too much moisture can be the problem.


How do I harvest my herbs?


Trim back flowering sections before they bloom for healthier leaves. Prune new growth on young plants weekly to encourage a fuller mature plant. Snip herbs for harvest when they are just a few inches tall. Pruning back the herbs often means a larger, longer harvest. Cut the new growth back at least one per week, even if you are not using the herbs in recipes (see drying and freezing page if you do not want to waste your harvest). Long stems that are about to set flower buds should be trimmed off as they appear.


What do I need to start an indoor herb garden?


Common tools needed for an indoor herb garden are: garden trowel, scissors for snipping, stones (optional). Materials for your herbs plants include seed, pots, potting soil, cactus potting soil (optional), pots or trays, fertilizer and a grow light if you do not have adequate sunlight of at least 6 hours per day for your plants.


How do I prepare my containers for planting?


Choose large, deep containers with drainage holes to accommodate fast-growing herbs. Fill the container with potting mix leaving about ½ inch clear at the top. Use standard commercial potting soil for most herbs but blend in cactus potting mix for herbs native to the Mediterranean, such as thyme and oregano which prefer dryer soils.


Can I put my indoor herb containers outside?


Yes! Move your potted herbs to the patio or deck when the weather warms in the spring and for a boost of sunshine.


How do I know when my herbs need larger containers?


When roots begin to emerge through the drainage holes of its container, it is time to repot the herbs. Replace the potting mix; the organic material in the potting mix breaks down over time. Remove any plants with woody or thickened stems and replace them with new seeds or seedlings.


Do herbs need fertilizer?


The short answer is yes. However, not all herbs have the same fertilizer needs. Herbs roughly fall into two groups. 1. Slow-growing herbs with small leaves or needles and fibrous, woody stems that are native to the mediterranean where they grow culinary lavender, month, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory, tarragon and thyme. 2. Fast-growing herbs with larger, thinner leaves. These can be annuals such as basil, borage, cilantro, chervil and dill; bi-annual herbs such as parsley or perennials such as chives. Herbs in the first group generally need less fertilizer than herbs in the second group.


What type of nutrients do herbs need?


Start out by planting herbs in healthy soil rich in organic matter. In addition, they will benefit from an organic complete, slow-release fertilizer containing equal amounts of macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. A slow-release fertilizer is especially important if your garden has sandy soil because nutrients wash out quickly. To give fast-growing herbs that you harvest often an extra boost, you can also apply fish emulsion, an organic fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, with an NPK ratio of 4-1-1 or 5-1-1.


How often should I fertilize my herbs?


The frequency of fertilization follows the growth pattern of the herbs. In soil of average fertility, it is usually sufficient to apply a balanced fertilizer in the spring when they break dormancy, or when the new growing season starts. For other herbs, a light monthly application of a slow-release complete fertilizer should be enough – unless the leaves start to look yellow, which may be a sign of nitrogen deficiency. In that case, applying fish emulsion is a quick fix but before you reach for the fertilizer bottle, rule out that the yellowing of leaves is not caused by something else.


How do I fertilize my herbs in a container?


Herbs grown in containers need fertilizer applications more often, because with frequent watering that container plants require, the fertilizer in the potting mix washes out more quickly. Just as with sandy soil, it is important to use slow-release fertilizer. The roots of container plants are in a confined space, unlike herbs grown in the garden or raised beds, which can lead to over fertilization if you are not careful. Organic fertilizers are recommended over synthetic which often contain a high level of salts that can build up in the container over time. To prevent this, it is best to use half the strength of the fertilizer amount specified on the label for any type of fertilizer.


Is it possible to overfertilize herbs?


Adding too much fertilizer to herbs usually leads to an excess of nitrogen, which has undesirable results especially for slow-growing herbs. For basil and other thin-leaved herbs, the fast leaf growth induced by nitrogen is fine because you want your plants to be lush. For rosemary and other Mediterranean herbs however, rapid growth means that there is less concentration of essential oils causing the herbs to become less aromatic and have weaker flavor.


How do I prepare garden soil before planting an herb garden?


Once you have picked the location for growing your herb garden, you will need to prepare the soil. If the soil is sandy or clay heavy, add plenty of compost. Even if your soil is in pretty good condition, working some compost into the soil will help provide nutrients to the herbs while they are growing.


Can I harvest my herbs too often?


Many times, when a new gardener is starting an herb garden, they are afraid that harvesting the herbs frequently will hurt them. The opposite is true. Frequent harvesting of herbs will result in the herb plant producing more and more foliage, which increases the amount you are able to harvest. At the end of the season, you can dry or freeze your herb harvest to enjoy home grown herbs all year long.


I don’t have a good sunny spot outdoors for my herb garden, what can I do?


If your yard is mostly shaded, there is not much you can do to change that, but you can pick shade friendly herbs. Parsley, sweet woodruff and mint are good examples of herbs that don’t require as much light. If you are growing plants in low light, manage your expectations. Your herbs will grow but will be slow and results less impressive.


My container soil is staying wet, what do I do?


Choose a container that allow for water to drain. If you over water or if it rains too much a good pot will allow the water to flow to the bottom without soaking and rotting the roots of your plants. You can use rocks or pottery shards to fill the bottom of the container to help with drainage. This applies outdoors too. If your herbs constantly have wet feet, they won’t thrive. Either plan when planting your garden and add some sand for drainage or pick plants that don’t mind wet roots as much.


My herbs plants are going to seed, why?


The short answer is you are not pruning enough. To prevent rapid growth and encourage a bushy habit, be sure to prune your herb plants regularly. The more you pick off your stems and leaves the longer your herb plant will remain in its production cycle. If you start to see flower heads, snip them right away. When you fail to cut back the plant, it is likely to go to seed and complete its lifecycle. Once that happens, many plants die back. Keep cutting and pinching back flowers to prevent this from happening.


Should I throw away my seeds on their expiration date?


Seeds do not have an expiration date, rather they are a sell by date just like food. The dates on seed packages are guidelines to help you know when your seeds are getting old, but it does not mean you need to toss them. Every plant is different. Some seeds last longer than others. Most seeds, if kept cool and dry, will last 2 – 3 years. If you are unsure test them out by growing microgreens.


Planting Directions




14 - 21 days




1/2 inch


5000 seeds per 6000 square feet


Keep seeds moist until germination


3 inches in between plants; 12 inches between rows

Microgreen Information


Vitamins A, C ,E and K, Kaempferol, Apigenin, Antioxidants


Crunchy, Crisp


Sandwiches, Salads, Cocktails

Microgreens Planting Guide

Microgreens Planting Methods

Hydroponic & Soil Methods

Step-by-Step Instructions


Outsidepride Mustard Herb Seeds offers an all-around addition to any garden, providing flavorful microgreen seeds for culinary and gardening use. Our high-performance seeds thrive in both soil and hydroponic mediums, making them adaptable for various growing environments. Known for their mild, tangy flavor, mustard greens are perfect for fresh salads, cooking, or as a garnish. With fast-growing characteristics, they deliver a nutritious and flavorful harvest, while improving soil health as a cover crop.
Our mustard herb plant varies from Black, White, and Yellow represent the optimal agricultural growth potential. By carefully selecting the right variety, gardeners and farmers can experience the full benefits of mustard’s multi-purpose features. Whether you’re focused on harvestable crops or soil health, each mustard seed packets holds the potential for robust growth and a bountiful yield that can transform your agricultural practices.
Successfully grow and enjoy mustard plants with careful planting and harvesting techniques. The varieties of mustard seed, from Black to Yellow, all bloom in the summer with yellow flowers and varying plant heights from 12 inches up to 72 inches. Our plants not only support long-lasting agriculture but also add aesthetic beauty to your garden, making them the ideal seeds to plant for various applications, from culinary use to soil enrichment. Proper seeding and maintenance will lead to consistent yields throughout the season.
Mustard Herb Seeds offer more than just great flavor, they also enhance your meals and garden. With a history of culinary use, mustard seeds transform from garden crops into an essential ingredient in many recipes. Whether you're growing mustard for its benefits to your well-being or as a flavor-packed condiment, its versatility shines through. Grow mustard in your garden and enjoy it fresh, or harvest the seeds to create mustard for your table, making it a must-have crop for any gardener.
(Continued From Top) - Black Mustard Microgreen has a spicy, tangy taste, and can be used as a universal seasoning in various dishes. Mustard sprouts contain ascorbic acid and rutin - vitamins C and P, and B1, B2, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.. Since mustard greens thrive in cool weather, they taste best when grown as an early spring or fall crop. Mustard microgreens bring an unexpected twist basically to any meal. Some say that it tastes like milder version of horseradish. Add them as flavorful, nutritious accents to sandwiches, salads and cocktails - or use as a creative plate garnish in restaurants.

This annual culinary herb is well-known as the old-fashioned mustard that gave the condiment its start. Quickly grown from Mustard seeds, the Mustard plant produces herb seeds which are ground and used to spice many different foods. The mustard seeds are small, hard and vary in color from dark brown to black. Black Mustard is more powerful in flavor than yellow mustard, but it is not grown commercially due to the difficulty of harvesting with equipment because of the irregularity of plant size.

Common Questions


Which herbs can thrive in the kitchen?


Not all herbs are suitable for indoor growth. Herbs with woody, bushy growth, like rosemary are too large for indoor herb gardens. Consider other more suitable herbs for an indoor kitchen garden, such as chives, oregano, thyme, dill, mint, basil, cilantro, sage and savory. Each herb has specific growing needs, so ensure to provide the right amount of light, humidity, and air circulation. If using a single large container, ensure that all plants require similar amounts of sunlight and water. For instance, chives and cilantro may not need as much sunlight as dill and oregano.


What are good companion plants for herb gardens?


Pairing herbs based on watering requirements, like planting lavender with thyme or basil with chives, is ideal for maintaining the health of both plants. Avoid companion planting with catnip, lemon balm and mint as they should be grown in separate pots due to their rapid spreading nature that can overtake other plants in your indoor herb garden.


When do I establish an indoor herb garden?


Create a kitchen herb garden by propagating cuttings from your outdoor plants as the weather cools in the fall. If you opt to sow your indoor herb garden from purchased seeds, begin a few weeks before the anticipated first frost of the season. Most herbs can be harvested within a few weeks, so there is no need to plant too far in advance.


Do kitchen herbs need full sun?


Most herbs need 6 hours of sunlight a day to thrive. If you do not have this type of light available in your kitchen, consider a grow light that will run 14-16 hours per day 6 to 12 inches above your plants. NOTE: Rotate herbs periodically when grown in windows to let each part of the plant receive sunlight.


What time of year should you plant herbs?


Herbs grown in indoor gardens can be planted any time of year. Many gardeners prefer to grow their herbs outdoors during the summer growing season, and then move them to their indoor garden before the first frost of fall. If you prefer to start your seeds outdoors, you will need to wait until after danger of frost in the spring or start your seeds indoors 6 -8 weeks before last frost and transplant in your garden after danger of frost.


Do herbs come back every year?


Perennial herbs will come back each year when planted in the correct zone or grown indoors during the cold winter months. Popular perennial herbs are oregano, parsley, sage, fennel, chives, lavender, thyme and mint varieties.


How do I know when my herbs need watered?


Allow the soil to dry out just slightly before watering your herbs again. Give your indoor herb garden a dose of diluted water-soluble fertilizer every 2 weeks or so. Too much food will compromise the taste of the herbs. It is also beneficial to provide adequate humidity. If the indoor air is especially dry – which is often the case in regions with cold winters. Set the herbs pots on trays of stones. Fill the trays with water but keep the level below the drainage holes of your pots.


When do I water my outdoor herb garden?


Different herb plants will need different amounts of water so keep this in mind when planting your garden and keep similar plants together to simplify watering. Watering is best done in the early morning hours when temperatures are cooler. Many herbs are hardy. They can tolerate soil that is moderately dry. You want to keep an eye out for wilting when the soil is wet. Ideally, your herbs should make quick use of the water you give them. Saturated soil is not what you are after. Pay close attention to the coloration of the leaves on your herbs. Yellow leaves can be a sign of too much water, and so can black leaves. If you spot any mildew or fuzz on the herbs, too much moisture can be the problem.


How do I harvest my herbs?


Trim back flowering sections before they bloom for healthier leaves. Prune new growth on young plants weekly to encourage a fuller mature plant. Snip herbs for harvest when they are just a few inches tall. Pruning back the herbs often means a larger, longer harvest. Cut the new growth back at least one per week, even if you are not using the herbs in recipes (see drying and freezing page if you do not want to waste your harvest). Long stems that are about to set flower buds should be trimmed off as they appear.


What do I need to start an indoor herb garden?


Common tools needed for an indoor herb garden are: garden trowel, scissors for snipping, stones (optional). Materials for your herbs plants include seed, pots, potting soil, cactus potting soil (optional), pots or trays, fertilizer and a grow light if you do not have adequate sunlight of at least 6 hours per day for your plants.


How do I prepare my containers for planting?


Choose large, deep containers with drainage holes to accommodate fast-growing herbs. Fill the container with potting mix leaving about ½ inch clear at the top. Use standard commercial potting soil for most herbs but blend in cactus potting mix for herbs native to the Mediterranean, such as thyme and oregano which prefer dryer soils.


Can I put my indoor herb containers outside?


Yes! Move your potted herbs to the patio or deck when the weather warms in the spring and for a boost of sunshine.


How do I know when my herbs need larger containers?


When roots begin to emerge through the drainage holes of its container, it is time to repot the herbs. Replace the potting mix; the organic material in the potting mix breaks down over time. Remove any plants with woody or thickened stems and replace them with new seeds or seedlings.


Do herbs need fertilizer?


The short answer is yes. However, not all herbs have the same fertilizer needs. Herbs roughly fall into two groups. 1. Slow-growing herbs with small leaves or needles and fibrous, woody stems that are native to the mediterranean where they grow culinary lavender, month, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory, tarragon and thyme. 2. Fast-growing herbs with larger, thinner leaves. These can be annuals such as basil, borage, cilantro, chervil and dill; bi-annual herbs such as parsley or perennials such as chives. Herbs in the first group generally need less fertilizer than herbs in the second group.


What type of nutrients do herbs need?


Start out by planting herbs in healthy soil rich in organic matter. In addition, they will benefit from an organic complete, slow-release fertilizer containing equal amounts of macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. A slow-release fertilizer is especially important if your garden has sandy soil because nutrients wash out quickly. To give fast-growing herbs that you harvest often an extra boost, you can also apply fish emulsion, an organic fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, with an NPK ratio of 4-1-1 or 5-1-1.


How often should I fertilize my herbs?


The frequency of fertilization follows the growth pattern of the herbs. In soil of average fertility, it is usually sufficient to apply a balanced fertilizer in the spring when they break dormancy, or when the new growing season starts. For other herbs, a light monthly application of a slow-release complete fertilizer should be enough – unless the leaves start to look yellow, which may be a sign of nitrogen deficiency. In that case, applying fish emulsion is a quick fix but before you reach for the fertilizer bottle, rule out that the yellowing of leaves is not caused by something else.


How do I fertilize my herbs in a container?


Herbs grown in containers need fertilizer applications more often, because with frequent watering that container plants require, the fertilizer in the potting mix washes out more quickly. Just as with sandy soil, it is important to use slow-release fertilizer. The roots of container plants are in a confined space, unlike herbs grown in the garden or raised beds, which can lead to over fertilization if you are not careful. Organic fertilizers are recommended over synthetic which often contain a high level of salts that can build up in the container over time. To prevent this, it is best to use half the strength of the fertilizer amount specified on the label for any type of fertilizer.


Is it possible to overfertilize herbs?


Adding too much fertilizer to herbs usually leads to an excess of nitrogen, which has undesirable results especially for slow-growing herbs. For basil and other thin-leaved herbs, the fast leaf growth induced by nitrogen is fine because you want your plants to be lush. For rosemary and other Mediterranean herbs however, rapid growth means that there is less concentration of essential oils causing the herbs to become less aromatic and have weaker flavor.


How do I prepare garden soil before planting an herb garden?


Once you have picked the location for growing your herb garden, you will need to prepare the soil. If the soil is sandy or clay heavy, add plenty of compost. Even if your soil is in pretty good condition, working some compost into the soil will help provide nutrients to the herbs while they are growing.


Can I harvest my herbs too often?


Many times, when a new gardener is starting an herb garden, they are afraid that harvesting the herbs frequently will hurt them. The opposite is true. Frequent harvesting of herbs will result in the herb plant producing more and more foliage, which increases the amount you are able to harvest. At the end of the season, you can dry or freeze your herb harvest to enjoy home grown herbs all year long.


I don’t have a good sunny spot outdoors for my herb garden, what can I do?


If your yard is mostly shaded, there is not much you can do to change that, but you can pick shade friendly herbs. Parsley, sweet woodruff and mint are good examples of herbs that don’t require as much light. If you are growing plants in low light, manage your expectations. Your herbs will grow but will be slow and results less impressive.


My container soil is staying wet, what do I do?


Choose a container that allow for water to drain. If you over water or if it rains too much a good pot will allow the water to flow to the bottom without soaking and rotting the roots of your plants. You can use rocks or pottery shards to fill the bottom of the container to help with drainage. This applies outdoors too. If your herbs constantly have wet feet, they won’t thrive. Either plan when planting your garden and add some sand for drainage or pick plants that don’t mind wet roots as much.


My herbs plants are going to seed, why?


The short answer is you are not pruning enough. To prevent rapid growth and encourage a bushy habit, be sure to prune your herb plants regularly. The more you pick off your stems and leaves the longer your herb plant will remain in its production cycle. If you start to see flower heads, snip them right away. When you fail to cut back the plant, it is likely to go to seed and complete its lifecycle. Once that happens, many plants die back. Keep cutting and pinching back flowers to prevent this from happening.


Should I throw away my seeds on their expiration date?


Seeds do not have an expiration date, rather they are a sell by date just like food. The dates on seed packages are guidelines to help you know when your seeds are getting old, but it does not mean you need to toss them. Every plant is different. Some seeds last longer than others. Most seeds, if kept cool and dry, will last 2 – 3 years. If you are unsure test them out by growing microgreens.
