Fixation Balansa Clover
Clover Specifications

Fixation Balansa Clover (Trifolium Michelianum Savi) - If you are looking for a Bio-Massive clover, than look no further! This exciting and revolution clover is like no other on the market. Balansa clover is open pollinated. Flowers vary from white to pink and are attractive to bees. Leaflets are variable, with about 40% having markings. Leaf margins are commonly serrated. Allowing balansa clover to grow for 40 days past first bloom every 3 to 4 years will allow stands to persist indefinitely in no-till systems.
Increases cash crop yields by nourishing the soil and reducing the need for expensive inputs.
- Capable of setting more than 100 units of Nitrogen per acre
- Large amount of high-quality biomass increases soil organic matter with a thick mat of organic mulch
- Growth of up to 3ft high with stems up to 8ft long suppresses spring weed growth by shading the soil and out-competing weeds for water and nutrients
- Later maturation (up to 28 days) reduces likelihood of unwanted reseeding
Increases livestock mass and quality.
- Relative Feed Values as high as 277
- Crude protein levels range from 22% - 28%
- 5,250 lbs of extremely digestible dry matter in a single cutting
Iis an economical solution.
- Small seed size reduces cost/ acre (see planting instructions)
- Capable of reseeding under proper management
- Later maturation allows for multiple cuttings/grazings
- Growth pattern accommodates intensive grazing regimes
Protects valuable top soil.
- Deep tap root breaks up soil compaction and make it drought tolerant
- Increases the water-holding capacity of soil
- Bio-massive growth and root system shades soil and prevents erosion and run-off
- 18" of root growth in just 45 days
Compliments entire ecosystem.
- Has been shown to be a nutritious and favored food source for deer and waterfowl
- Attracts beneficial pollinators and insects
Is geo-sensitive.
- Performs well in wet soils (including short periods of flooding)
- Survives under snow or in temperatures as low as 5 degrees without snow
- Can be either fall sown or frost seeded
- Tolerant to drought, heat, low fertility and shade
- Thrives in acid-soils where other clovers will not (well suited for soils with pH values ranging between 4.5 to 7.5)
Complements existing or integrated crop rotation systems.
- Grows well in mixes with other cover crops - small seed size and hardiness enable it to be successfully broadcast and established with existing forage.
- Nitrogen collected in plant material is annually released back into the soil for use by grasses and crops.
- Suitable for no-till planting and in ley farming dryland systems
- NOT a host for soybean cyst nematodes
Balansa clover (Trifolium michelianum) is somewhat of a newcomer to the deer food plot scene. Historically, its primary use has been as a cover crop in the agricultural community, but it has many unique qualities that can make it an excellent choice as a deer forage depending on your food plot objectives and property features.
It produces a large tap root that often runs 2- to 3-feet deep. This can help break through hard pans that may have developed in your food plots over time due to repeated tillage, which can cause soil compaction and limit forage production. This type of root system improves soil drainage and increases microbial growth, which improves overall soil quality. The root system also makes it drought tolerant and perfect for water conservation.
Balansa prefers soils with a neutral pH (greater than 6.0) and grows well in a wide variety of soil types. It is also fairly tolerant of dry conditions thanks to its large tap root that can access soil moisture. Conversely, perhaps one of the best attributes of balansa is its ability to thrive in poorly drained soils and even periodic standing water! This is important because very few quality deer forages have this ability, and balansa provides an excellent option for hunters and food plotters whose property is bottomland or the food plots are soggy during winter.
Being an annual, balansa germinates relatively quickly compared to other clovers, so it provides excellent early season attraction and hunting opportunities. As previously mentioned, Balansa is rated extremely high in terms of deer preference and digestibility. Crude protein levels are very high and have been reported in the 25 to 30 percent range.
Because of its aggressive nature, balansa clover tolerates heavy grazing pressure very well. When planted in the fall, you can expect quality forage to be available until the following May or early June – depending on where your property is located geographically – which captures the early antler growth period. In terms of forage production, you can expect to produce 2 to 3 tons per acre in dry weight during its growing season if managed properly, which is impressive.
Seeding Rate Monoculture:
5 lbs/acre drilled
8 lbs/acre broadcast
Seeding Rate In Mixes:
3 lbs/acre drilled
5 lbs/acre broadcast
Planting Depth: 1/8 - 1/4 inch
Ideal Soil: Soil pH of 4.5 - 7.5, and tolerates poorly drained soils with moderate salinity.
Inoculated Seed - Our Balansa clover seed has been coated with an inoculant for better establishment. Nitrogen fixation is a one of the key values found in legumes and can only occur with the proper inoculation. Although many strains or Rhizobium may be present in the soil, all are not equally beneficial. With Nitro-Coat® each seed is inoculated with the correct Rhizobium strains and coated through a proven process that ensures a very high level of successful inoculation. A key to any successful establishment and early seed development is moisture. Nitro-Coat® is naturally water absorbent and helps attract soil moisture to the seed, getting your stand established quickly. This coating process which Outsidepride utilizes, assures that only the top-performing and crop-specific rhizobia will be applied to ensure your clovers reach maximum nodulation, stand establishment, and yield potential. With Nitro-Coat® each seed is inoculated with the correct Rhizobium strains and coated through a proven process that ensures a very high level of successful inoculation. The weight of the clover seeds will contain, on average up to 50% coating material that contains the inoculant and water holding material for better establishment and viability of the seed. There is no difference in the seeding rates between the coated and raw seed due to the increased germination and viability of the bulk clover seeds that are coated and inoculated. This coating material is not OMRI certified.