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Pure Select Creeping Bent Grass
Pure Select Creeping Bentgrass is the product of a rich heritage that includes Penncross and the groundbreaking Penn A's and G's. Pure Select has a dense, upright, and aggressive growth habit.MORE BENT GRASS OPTIONS

Photography compliments of Tee-2-Green
Pure Select Creeping Bentgrass is the product of a rich heritage that includes Penncross and the groundbreaking Penn A's and G's. Pure Select has a dense, upright, and aggressive growth habit. It's wear tolerant and produces less thatch. With exceptionally strong disease, heat, cold, and wear tolerance it's easy to manage. Pure Select gives you quick spring green-up and outstanding turf quality year round. It's an exceptional bentgrass for greens, tees, and fairways. Recommended seeding rate is 1.0 to 1.50lbs./1,000 sq. ft. for a new seeding and 0.50 - 1.0 lb/1,000 sq. ft. for over-seeding. With a dense, upright and aggressive growth habit, it also features an exceptional ability to compete against Poa-annua. If you want to build your own putting green, Pure Select creeping bent grass seed is a great choice!
Pure Select bent grass seed is perfect for DIY outdoor putting greens! These Bentgrass varieties are different and do not require the tedious management that the other varieties do. Pure Select bent grass seed produces a green that requires less fertilizer, less water, less babying than the old bents varieties that you may be accustomed to. Growing Bentgrass greens has never been easier or less worrisome. This Pure Select Creeping Bentgrass requires different management, but overall, the management is actually easier than what many are accustomed to. The end result is a very high quality putting green surface that thrives on low mowing and culminates in a near perfect putting surface with no grain and no extraordinary practices.
For the home golf green, the first mowing should be when there is uniform turf coverage with a height from 1/4 to 3/8 inch and definitely not more than a 1/2 inch. The mower should have a smooth front roller. It has been reported that some people have used grooved rollers too early. Bentgrass clippings should not be caught early on as this will help build a biomass or padding that will protect the plant from damage. During the early stage it is important to do a weekly light top dressing. This will cover the clippings and smooth any roughness in the surface as well as accelerate the filling in of the turf grass canopy. It is possible to get to the desired mowing height within 6 to 7 weeks after the first mowing if not sooner with this bent grass. The Pure Select golf grass is being maintained by most facilities at 5/32nd or 9/64th for greens.
It is important to irrigate Creeping Bentgrass greens only when necessary. When required, fill the soil profile to field capacity or try to flush salts from the soil profile. This could be a 30 to 40 minute cycle depending on the type of irrigation used or time of year. Stretch the time between irrigation cycles as long as possible. Again, this will vary from the time of year, it is possible to go at least 4 to 10 days longer, with only needing to hit hot spots if required.
Top Dressing
Top dressing varies depending on management style from light weekly applications to once a month when verticutting. As with all bent grasses it is important to get as much top dressing into the canopy as possible. This can only be accomplished if the canopy is opened up by the use of groomers, verticutting, grooving, or spiking.
Seeding Rate & Planting Time
- New turf: Sow 1 - 1 1/2 pounds of Creeping Bentgrass seed per 1,000 square feet
- Plant Pure Select Creeping Bent grass seed when soil temperature reaches 55 degrees in spring up until a minimum of 6 weeks before frost in fall.
The Grass Seed Certification program establishes the genetic purity and germination of varieties, blends, and mixtures. The certification process begins with the proper field history before production and continues through the bagging of a grass seed lot with every step independently verified by Seed Certification personnel. Each bent grass seed lot to be certified is sampled by Certification personnel and tested in the state seed laboratory, so the grass seed you buy is the seed that was tested If even one standard in this process failed, the lot is uncertified. You can rest assured that your bent grass seed is certified!
Planting Guide
Spring 55F or up to 6 weeks before first frost
6 - 10 days
21 - 30 Days
Surface to 1/8 Inch
Broadcast or Slit
1/4 - 1/2 Inch

Full Sun
4 - 9
Grass Specifications
Lawns, Golf Courses, Putting Greens
Fine Bladed, Dark Green
Moderate to Fast

Medium to High
Poor to Moderate


Photography compliments of Tee-2-Green
PC2.0 pays homage to the past while looking toward the future. Its dense, upright and aggressive growth habit competes exceptionally well against Poa annua, while displaying a stunning medium-green color and very fine leaf texture.
Aggressiveness, vigor, and wear tolerance make PC2.0 Penncross Creeping Bentgrass seed a natural for greens, tees, and fairways. The ability for PC2.0 Bent grass to perform under a wide range of conditions makes this putting green seed adaptable virtually worldwide. Golf course architects have specified PC2.0 Bentgrass seed for areas of extreme cold and heat, and PC2.0 Penncross Creeping Bent has survived humidity where bermuda grass used to be the standard.
PC2.0 Penncross Bent grass is designed for extensively managed golf greens and tees and lawn bowling surfaces. Penncross performs best in soils with a pH of 5.5 to 8. It has a moderate nitrogen requirement with 1-2 pounds of actual N per 1,000 square feet per year adequate in most situations. Optimum mowing height for Creeping Bentgrass putting greens is 3/16 to 5/16 inch but it can be adjusted higher or lower depending upon maintenance practices and intended use. Creeping Bent grass performs best on a sandy soil and tolerates clay soils with adequate drainage. Most Bentgrass varieties do not perform well in wet areas, however, Penncross can tolerate saturated soil conditions for short periods of time. Growing Bentgrass is a rewarding and enjoyable experience, and this golf greens seed is a great choice for the DIY home putting green.
Creeping Bent grass can be seeded from 1-2 pounds per 1,000 square feet depending on the application. Cover the Bentgrass seed to a depth not exceeding ¼" and keep seedlings moist until well rooted. Germination will take place in 7-15 days depending on soil temperatures, and the first mowing may be expected within 30 days, or when the plants have sufficiently rooted. Mow at a 3/4" height or lower until turf is established. Limited use of the Creeping Bentgrass putting green area can be expected in 6 weeks.
Seeding Rate & Planting Time
- New turf: Sow 1 - 2 pounds of Bent grass putting green seed per 1,000 square feet
- Plant Creeping Bentgrass Penncross seed when soil temperature reaches 55 degrees in spring up until a minimum of 6 weeks before frost in fall
The Grass Seed Certification program establishes the genetic purity and germination of varieties, blends, and mixtures. The certification process begins with the proper field history before production and continues through the bagging of a grass seed lot with every step independently verified by Seed Certification personnel. Each bent grass seed lot to be certified is sampled by Certification personnel and tested in the state seed laboratory, so the grass seed you buy is the seed that was tested If even one standard in this process failed, the lot is uncertified. You can rest assured that your bent grass seed is certified!