Cornflower Seeds - Red
Flower Specifications
Season: Annual
USDA Zones: 3 - 10
Height: 12 - 18 inches
Bloom Season: Summer and fall
Bloom Color: Red
Environment: Full sun to partial shade
Soil Type: Well-drained, pH 6.6 - 7.8
Deer Resistant: Yes
House Plant: No
Planting Directions

Cornflower (Centaurea Cyanus Dwarf Tom Pouce Red) - Start some Bachelor's Button seeds and add a touch of drama to the flower border with this dwarf, red variety! What a lovely sight especially when planted in mass. Cornflowers got their name in Europe where they often are found growing in different farm crops. Here in the United States, they grow naturally in the wild as well, and we often call them Bachelor's Button.
Attract pollinators
Cornflowers are very attractive to both bees and butterflies, but deer leave the plants alone. They are annuals, but they can re-seed themselves, dropping their own flower seeds to produce another display for the next season.

Cornflower seed | red
How to grow
How To Grow Cornflower From Seed: Directly sow red Bachelor's Button seeds outdoors in early spring as soon as soil can be worked. Prepare seedbed by loosening soil and weeding. Sow the flower seeds in rows, 6 seeds per foot.
Thin seedlings to approximately six to twelve inches apart. In mild winter climates, cornflower seed can be sown in the fall for very early blooms the following spring. The first blooms appear 10 - 12 weeks after planting, and last for about a month. Successive plantings can extend the bloom period.
- Sowing Rate: 10 - 12 seeds per plant or 6 seeds per foot
- Average Germ Time: 14 - 28 days
- Keep moist until germination
- Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds
- Depth: 1/4 inch

Flower Specifications
Red Cornflower plants prefer full sun in mild climates and partial shade in the hottest regions. They tolerate a wide variety of soils as long as it drains well. Centaurea Cyanus plants perform the best in mild climates with moderate water, but they can withstand drought for long periods of time.
- Height: 12 - 18 inches
- USDA Zones: 3 - 10
- Season: Annual
- Deer Resistant: Yes
- Drought Tolerant: Yes