Horse Pasture Grass Seed

Horse - Choice Pasture Seed Mix


Outsidepride Pasture Grass Seed Mixes are a nutrient-rich grass blend designed for productive grazing for your livestock's well-being. With fast germination and strong regrowth, it supports multiple grazing cycles while naturally suppressing invasive plants due to its strong deep root system. Thriving in full sun to moderate shade while being adaptable to various climates and soil conditions, our low-maintenance pasture seed mix ensures lush, long-lasting abundant forage for healthier livestock and efficient pasture management.
Transform your pasture with high-yielding grass seeds for lawn tailored for every need. Whether you're growing Orchard grass, Timothy, Annual and Perennial Ryegrass, our high-performance varieties ensure lush, nutrient-rich forage for livestock. Designed for different climates and grazing requirements, options like Cold Climate and Grit Bermuda thrive in various conditions. From Horse Choice to Great Gains, our resilient grasses promote healthy growth, maximize yield, and support soil-conscious pasture upkeep.
Enhance your livestock’s performance with a nutrient-rich pasture grass seed mix designed for optimal growth. Our high-yielding, weather-tolerant varieties provide a reliable food source in various climates, ensuring consistent forage availability. Highly palatable and easy to digest, they promote overall well-being. With excellent grazing qualities, our seeds to plant support long-lasting pasture management, helping you maintain a lush, productive field for cattle, horses, and other grazing animals.
Our pasture grass seeds are adaptable to any climate. From cold-tolerant varieties for harsh winters to drought-tolerant options for arid regions, our grasses thrive in various weather conditions. Whether enduring heavy rainfall or dry spells, their resilience ensures consistent pasture raised coverage, reducing bare patches and maintaining a green, productive grazing area all year long.

Professional's Choice horse pasture mixture consists of orchardgrass, timothy, endophyte-free tall fescue, and Italian ryegrass. While designed primarily for horse pasture, this mixture is often used for other livestock pastures where legumes are not desired.

When you put orchardgrass, timothy, fescue, and Italian ryegrass together you have a winning pasture combination with high production for years to come. Works well in any region of the United States except the deep South unless fall overseeding.

Approximate Percentages:

  • 35% Amba Orchard Grass
  • 25% Safe Tall Fescue
  • 25% Corral II Intermediate Ryegrass
  • 15% Climax Timothy

Timothy is a winter-hardy bunchgrass that is easy to establish, and is well known for premium horse hay. Adapted to fertile, moist, medium heavy soils around the country. Responds rapidly to fertilization. Timothy mixes well in combination with other grasses and legumes. Timothy is easy to establish new pastures, and to over-seed old pastures that need rejuvenated.

Safe is adapted to about the same area as Kentucky-31 but matures about 7 to 10 days earlier. The two varieties have similar disease resistance. Safe has consistently been the highest yielding tall fescue variety in North Carolina tests for the past several years, generally producing 8,000 to 12,000 lb of dry forage, and one year producing 14,400 lb.

Intermediate ryegrasses are generally longer lived than common annual and western types and tend to be bi-annual in nature. They are quick to establish, high yielding and being tetraploid, they are highly digestible. They are very suitable for silage, hay production and grazing. Heading dates are usually late in May. Benefits include increased animal production, increased yields, palatability & intake, quick utilization of forage. Ryegrass does well in soils with a wide pH range from 5 - 8.

Orchard grass is a rapid growing bunch grass which has the ability to grow on relatively poor soils. Orchard grass is generally the earliest maturing cool season grass. It is usually one week earlier in maturity than tall fescue and two weeks earlier than smooth brome grass. When selecting a variety consider finding a cultivar that is later in maturity and has resistance to rust. If adequately fertilized, production is distributed well through the growing season. It does well in drought and in dry land conditions. Needs lime on acidic soils.

40 to 50 lbs/acre.