Cool-Season Grasses
These grasses are more adapted to the climate of the northern half of the country. Typically, areas in the northern half experience cold winters with below-freezing temperatures, and warm summers which lack significantly long hot spells.
Although there are fairly regular rain showers during northern summers, a cool-season lawn will require supplemental irrigation during a particularly hot period. In fact, cool-season grasses need approximately one inch of water to stay alive and green during summertime in the northern half of the United States.
While some cool-season grasses grown from seed can withstand periods of extreme drought by going dormant, extended drought for intervals more than four weeks can cause the death of turfgrass. If this occurs, you’ll need to re-seed your lawn or outdoor area.
Because they prefer soil temperatures between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit, cool-season grasses are most active during the spring and early fall. Consequently, these are the best times of the year to plant as well.
Types of Cool-Season Grass Seeds We Offer:
Warm Season Grasses
Grasses that thrive in the southern half of Americans are typically of tropical origin, and actually flourish in the roasting summer heat. These warm-season grasses form a thick lawn cover that, when planted from grass seed, gets denser with age.
During winter, warm-season grasses do not stay green. In fact, their leaves turn brown in late fall, and won't turn green again until the return of warmer weather. This means that warm-season grasses are green for slightly more than half a year in the southern parts of the country. To ensure a green lawn over the winter, many southern homeowners will overseed warm-season grasses with cool-season grass seed in the fall.
Warm-season grasses are not very tolerant of shade. If you live in a particularly shady area of the south, you might consider Fescue grass as an option, as it typically performs well in these conditions.
Types of Warm-Season Grass Seeds We Offer:
- Bahia Grass
- Bermuda Grass
- Buffalo Grass
- Carpet Grass
- Centipede Grass
- Seashore Paspalum Grass
To learn more about grasses and choosing the right grass seed, please view our ebook entitled: Grass Roots