Combat Extreme Southern
- Cost Effective
- Lawns
- Wear Resistant
Centipedegrass grass is also used in Arkansas in the central and southern areas. It looks like St. Augustine, but the leaves are smaller and the color paler green. It is a slow-growing grass that establishes well from seed. This grass is well suited to sandy, acid soils. It is moderately shade tolerant, requires less mowing than bermudagrass or St. Augustinegrass, tolerates cold better than St. Augustinegrass, and has poor wear tolerance. In addition to the low mowing requirement, centipedegrass requires no lime and minimal amounts of nitrogen.
Tall fescue is the most heat and drought tolerant of the cool-season or northern grasses. Two reasons for the increased popularity of tall fescue is good shade tolerance and excellent winter survival. Tall fescue will stay green all winter. It does best in north Arkansas but can be grown in the central part of the state. This grass looks and grows best during the fall and spring. Tall fescue is the most shade tolerant grasses recommended for Arkansas and can be used for a shade grass in any part of the state.
Click Name To View Grass Seed Choice | Type | Applications | |
Bermuda Grass - Oasis |
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Warm Season | Lawns - Full Sun - Fast Growing |
Bermuda Grass - Blackjack |
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Warm Season | Lawns - Full Sun - Fast Growing |
Bermuda Grass - Yukon |
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Warm Season |
Lawns - Golf Course - Fast Growing Full Sun - High End - Best Cold Tolerance |
Bermuda Grass - Arden 15 |
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Warm Season |
Lawns - Golf Course - Fast Growing Full Sun - High End |
Centipede Grass |
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Warm Season | Lawns - Mostly Sunny to Full Sun - Low Maintenance |
Fescue/Hybrid Bluegrass Mix - Combat Extreme South |
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Cool Season | Lawns - Wear Tolerant - Extra Heat Tolerance |
Fescue Blend - Combat Extreme Transition |
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Cool Season | Lawns - Wear Tolerant |
OSP Ryegrass |
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Cool Season | Lawns - Golf Courses - Southern Winter Overseed |
Grasses used in Arkansas consist of warm season and cool season grasses. Arkansas lies in what turf professionals call the transition zone. What this means is that summer in Arkansas is too hot for cool-season grasses to perform well and winters are often cold enough to injure or kill warm-season grasses. Unfortunately, maintaining lawn grasses in the transition zone is more difficult than in many other parts of the United States. Zoysiagrass and bermudagrass are grown in all parts of the state. Arkansas rarely has winter damage to zoysiagrass, but cold weather injury to bermudagrass is not unusual.
Below is the USDA Zone Map for Arkansas so you can determine which zone you reside in. Below that are our picks for your state which will do best in your area. Next on this page are tables which list various grasses and their characteristics so you can compare before you decide on your purchase. Click on the product name (ie. Midnight) for more information about that grass and to make your purchase.
USDA Zone Map For Arkansas | |
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Compare Various Grasses For Their Characteristics | ||||||||
Cool Season Grasses |
Leaf Texture |
Establish Rate |
Nitrogen Use |
Water Use |
Drought Tolerance |
Salinity Tolerance |
Shade Tolerance |
Fescue - Hard | Fine | Slow to Moderate |
Low to Very Low |
Moderate | Excellent | Low to Moderate |
Excellent | |
Fescue - Creeping | Fine | Moderate | Low to Moderate |
Moderate | Good | Low | Excellent | |
Fescue - Turf Type | Moderate to Coarse |
Moderate | Moderate to High |
Low to Moderate |
Excellent | Low | Good to Excellent |
Ryegrass - Perennial | Fine to Moderate |
Very Fast | Moderate to High |
Moderate to High |
Good | Poor to Moderate |
Poor to Moderate |
Warm Season Grasses |
Leaf Texture |
Establish Rate |
Nitrogen Use |
Water Use |
Drought Tolerance |
Salinity Tolerance |
Shade Tolerance |
Bermudagrass | Fine to Moderate |
Moderate to Fast |
Moderate | Moderate to High |
Excellent | Very Good | Poor | |
Centipedegrass | Moderate to Coarse |
Slow | Low | Low | Good | Moderate | Moderate to Good |
Seashore Paspalum | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Excellent | Excellent | Good |
Compare Various Grasses For Their Characteristics - Continued | ||||||||
Cool Season Grasses |
Fertility Needs |
Wear Resistance |
Mowing Height |
Cold Tolerance |
Acid Soil Tolerance |
Thatching Tendency |
Heat Tolerance |
Fescue - Hard | Low | Low | Medium | Medium to High |
Medium to High |
Low to Medium |
Low to Medium |
Fescue - Creeping | Low | Low | Medium | High | Medium to High |
Low to Medium |
Low to Medium |
Fescue - Turf Type | Low to Medium |
Medium to High |
Medium to High |
Medium | High | Low | High | |
Ryegrass - Perennial | Medium | High | Low to Medium |
Medium | Medium | Low | Medium to High |
Warm Season Grasses |
Fertility Needs |
Wear Resistance |
Mowing Height |
Cold Tolerance |
Acid Soil Tolerance |
Thatching Tendency |
Heat Tolerance |
Bermudagrass | Medium | High | Low to Medium |
Low to Medium |
Medium | Medium | High | |
Blue Grama | Low | Low | High | High | Low | Low | High | |
Buffalograss | Low | Low | High | High | Low | Low | High | |
Centipedegrass | Low | Low | Medium to High |
Medium to High |
High | Medium | High | |
Seashore Paspalum | Medium to High |
Medium to High |
Low | Medium | Low | Medium to High |
High |